AsianWeek 809 Sacramento Street San Francisco CA 94108 October 23, 2000 Dear Editor, I'd like to thank Phil Tajitsu Nash for including my comments among others in his column "Gun control and Asian Americans." But Nash's article and the Americans for Gun Safety web site both have a glaring omission: no mention of any positive uses of guns. If guns were only used for crime and suicide as Nash and AGS imply, then the case against them would be obvious. A major reason more than 70 million Americans own guns[1] is for defense against crime, and recent studies show this personal and societal benefit is significant. Even anti-gun researchers such as Philip Cook agree that guns are used to stop crimes anywhere from 800,000 to several million times a year. Cook's own research[2] confirmed Professor Gary Kleck's finding of 1.5 million defensive gun uses per year.[3] Cook acknowledges that if guns are used more often to stop crimes than commit them, as he found, then the social costs of restricting legitimate access to effective self-defense tools may be considerable. James Wright's research for the U.S. Department of Justice's National Institute of Justice confirmed 18th Century Criminologist Cesare Beccaria's proposition[4] which John Adams and Thomas Jefferson noted prominently -- criminals ignore prohibitions on arms ownership and carry. Wright scientifically surveyed felons in Federal prisons and found that more than 94% get their guns illegally[5]. Criminals overwhelmingly do not buy guns in stores, at gun shows or through other legal channels thus so-called "gun control" has no real effect on them. It only serves to disarm their victims. This may explain the deadly upsurge in gun crime in England and Australia after their broad bans on private gun ownership. Jeff Chan 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. [94% from follow on research by Wright also for NIJ]